
Why Chiropractic?

The word “chiropractic” means “to be done by hand.” Through an adjustment the body is able to restore joint function and regain proper balance of the nervous system.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic medicine is grounded in the principle that, when the skeletal system is correctly aligned and the central nervous system (CNS) is functioning properly, the body can heal itself. Its founder in the Western world, D.D. Palmer, called chiropractic medicine "a science of healing without drugs".

Through the use of thorough orthopedic, neurological, and radiologic examination, Dr. Stansberry will identify any misalignment of the spine and adjust misaligned areas to promote the body’s return to its natural organization. This will help restore joint function and proper balance of the nervous system.

Neuro-Emotional Technique Technique (N.E.T.)

Neuro-Emotional Technique Technique (N.E.T.)

Dr. Cassie is a certified Neuro-Emotional Techniqune Practicioner.

Neuro-emotional technique (NET) is based on the concept that unresolved emotional trauma is stored in the body. Emotions such as excessive or unresolved anger, grief, or fear may long affect us, even after we have forgotten the events that caused them.

Unresolved stress often has an associated response in the brain that can trigger chronic physical and behavioral problems. The goal of NET is to identify and address these negatively charged emotions and help relieve physical and emotional problems. NET does not cure or heal the patient, but rather removes blocks to the natural vitality of the body, allowing it to heal and/or repair itself.

Contemporary neuroscience has shown that our emotions and stress responses are largely related to a physiological response in the body. Unresolved stress often has an associated response in the brain that can trigger chronic physical and emotional problems. The treatment approach of NET is based on the principle that unresolved issues or trauma are what determine/can negatively impact physical responses. The goal of NET is to reduce the physical expression of an emotion through meridian points in the body and spinal adjustments.

Animal Chiropractic

Animal Chiropractic

Dr. Cassie is certified through the Animal Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA).

This is an alternative drugless method of health care for the animal. It deals with the nervous system; the brain and the spinal cord, which is housed in the skull and the spinal column.

It is the art, science and philosophy which release the inherent recuperative powers of the body and allows the body to deal with the relationship between the nervous system, the spinal column and its associated structures.

Altered nerve impulses leaving the spinal column can adversely affect the function of organs and tissues supplied by that nerve. This altered function can lead to pain, disease, fatigue, muscle weakness, poor balance, immune suppression, etc. 

Animal chiropractic is designed to restore and correct alignment. As well as to increase full range of motion and optimal function.